To verify that everything is working correctly, consider making a new private repository on GitHub and cloning its SSH link to your computer.Using Git Bash, follow the steps for adding the SSH key to your GitHub account.Using Git Bash, follow the steps for generating an SSH key adding it to the ssh-agent.If you do not already have a GitHub account, create one.(These are the same steps discussed above, listed here for convenience.) Note: when cloning repositories, be sure to use the SSH link (e.g., rather than the HTTPS link (e.g., ).
If you experience any issues with Git authentication after following these steps, please ask about it on Piazza and we will be happy to help. (If you do not already have a GitHub account, you will need to create one.) Once this is done, you will be ready to use Git in CS559. The last step in these instructions is to add your SSH key to your GitHub account.
The Git for Windows installer will install Git Bash, a command line terminal that provides a Linux-like experience. The Git for Windows installer has many configuration options - we recommend accepting all of the defaults, unless you have an informed reason to do otherwise. Similar download options are also available for Mac. The simplest way of installing Git on Windows is via Git for Windows. First-time setup instructions Installing Git
See Git and GitHub in CS559 for more in-depth information on how to use Git and the role it plays in this class. While experienced Git users are welcome to use it however they prefer, following these instructions will make it much easier for us to help you if something goes wrong. This page contains our “canonical” instructions for setting up Git with SSH. In order to complete your assignments in CS559, you will need to install Git and configure it for SSH authentication with GitHub.